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Eyes on China:“A robust Chinese economy benefits all”

by Liu Qiyu

BEIJING, Mar. 5 (China Economic Net) - "Virtually every country maintains close economic ties with China, whether through exports or imports. Consequently, a robust Chinese economy benefits the entire world," pinpointed Muhammad Asghar, Chief Correspondent for the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP), while taking an exclusive interview with China Economic Net during the ongoing Two Sessions - which convene annually to map out development priorities.

Asghar has been reporting the Two Sessions annually since 2017. As a foreign journalist in China, he considers it an honor and privilege to cover these major events. Through these sessions, he gains valuable insights into China’s governance system, culture, traditions, economy, and future goals.

Likewise, “It is very important for everyone to understand what China got for the previous year and what it expects for the next year,” Abubakar Harith from Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC),  Tanzania, told the reporter.

This year, Asghar’s focus lies on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). In the past decade, China signed over 240 cooperation documents with more than 150 countries and 30 international organizations on BRI construction, which lead to many cooperation projects, making the initiative the largest international cooperation platform, highlighted Liu Jieyi, spokesman for the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

“ BRI is a win win situation because countries cooperate with each other to achieve benefits and profits,” Harith pointed out, adding that it is a big step for China and African countries to get together and lift up the economy, livelihood, and so on.

When it comes to economy, official data released earlier showed that the Chinese economy grew 5.2% for 2023, surpassing the target of “about 5%” that the government had set. Asghar commends China’s resilience during the past year as China’s economy grew by 5.2%. He mentioned that despite global economic challenges, China’s economy not only endured but also demonstrated remarkable strength.

While this year, China targets economic growth of around 5 percent in 2024, according to a government work report submitted on March 5 to the national legislature for deliberation.

Daniel Rodríguez, a journalist from El Espectador ("The Spectator"), the oldest newspaper in Colombia, thought it is a unique opportunity to explore China’s economic landscape during these sessions.

The focus on economic topics, particularly China’s targeting economic growth of around 5 percent in 2024, impressed Rodríguez the most. “China’s role extends beyond its borders,” he told China Economic Net.

Currently, China is the second-largest trade partner of Latin America, and Latin America is the second-largest destination for Chinese foreign investment, according to the Ministry of Commerce. Take Colombia as an example, it sends coffee, flowers, and fruits to China, making this bilateral relationship pivotal for Colombia’s economic future. “The discussions during these sessions will significantly influence the trajectory of Colombia’s economy,” Rodríguez noted.

And for Leota Marc Membrere, a journalist from Savali Newspaper, Samoa, what caught his attention is how China is moving towards a greener and cleaner country. “We are affected a lot by climate change, and this is caused by a lot of big emitters. We suffer from the actions of other countries. And just hearing that China is taking climate action is really wonderful. I'm happy to know that China is setting an example of the world,” Membrere told the reporter.

“In my country as well, most of the infrastructure is funded by China. This shows how fast China's development is. Next year, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of our diplomatic relationship, and I do hope that my country and China remain friends for long,” Membrere said.

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