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Global Insights on BRI | I look forward to BRI-led global growth revival: Pakistan's former Minister of State

By Mo Honge

(ECNS) – The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has really disrupted the thinking of many policymakers across the globe, and the great initiative is creating opportunities, said Haroon Sharif, senior advisor to the UN, during an exclusive interview with China News Network.

This year marks the 10 anniversary of the BRI. Sharif, who is also Pakistan’s former Minister of State, spoke highly of the initiative and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, saying he looks forward to global growth revival led by China and the BRI.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Gives Hope to Pakistanis

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the flagship project of the BRI. Over the past 10 years, the corridor has resolved some of the major infrastructural gaps that Pakistan had in terms of its power sector, and a number of power projects have been established, Sharif said.

The senior advisor to the UN pointed out that the corridor, which has connected Kashgar, a city in northwest China’s Xinjiang, and Gwadar Port in the south of Pakistan, has opened up trading routes to the Middle East and significantly reduced the transit time.

He noted that new infrastructure has given hope to people, saying that thanks to such connectivity fresh markets would open up, allowing Pakistan to adopt a more regionally focused economic model.

He added that for both countries, infrastructure alone is not enough to revive the economy. "What we need to work in future is to improve the infrastructure so that it can attract a lot more investment and create more jobs," he said. Sharif believes that, based on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Pakistan could build on its economic model of productivity, skills development and technology transfer, and integrate with larger markets like China and other BRI members.

Sharif suggested the Pakistani government improve its investment climate for investors to take advantage of the corridor. But for that, one needs to understand in depth the cultural, human, and social sides of it, he added.

He values people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. "If people like each other and trust each other, which China and Pakistan do, we can understand each other better, then trading and economics start moving on that side."

Looking Forward to BRI-led Global Growth Revival

When it comes to the BRI’s achievements over the past decade, Sharif said the world has basically operated in a unipolar super-power system. Now, with the economic growth of China and the rest of Asia, there are multiple economic powers emerging within the region. "We are shifting this whole globalization to regional markets because of that. So, the BRI is perhaps one of the biggest and most effective interventions, which will open up new markets, new ways of doing business, and create wealth."

He believes the BRI plays a strategic role in diversifying economic opportunities. "The future economic century lies in Asia, and the Belt and Road connectivity in Asia will further strengthen smaller countries to benefit from this connectivity."

He said the world economy has been shrinking and that more than 60 percent of the global growth revival is dependent on Asia. One of China's biggest interventions is the BRI. So he looks forward to global growth revival led by China and the BRI.

Global growth revival will take time. But Sharif believes the BRI can play a leading role and history will remember that people benefited from this infrastructure investment.

Making the CPEC a "Knowledge Corridor"

To better tap into the potential of people to people exchange, Sharif suggested promoting tourism and more investment in knowledge to make the CPEC a "knowledge corridor."

Sharif noted that misconceptions about China relate to soft power. The era we are living in has been dominated by the West for several decades, he said. "They basically shape up the thinking of people, through communication, social media, writing and publishing." He suggests China engage with quality think tanks and universities and media houses to translate its growth, policy thinking, and the BRI benefits to the world.

In his view, China has achieved phenomenal growth and poverty reduction, which everybody recognizes.

He has observed that the world is in a transition time from one superpower to multiple centers of economic power and advised that “we need to start giving real-time knowledge to people so that they are aware what's happening in China.

He thinks "knowledge corridors" are critical to the future of China, which does not only seek global development, but also stability.

"We need to have platforms that can elevate debate about these issues based on facts, not fake news."

Order and Security Across China are Fascinating

Sharif has traveled across the world and visited China six to seven times. What he has found fascinating about China is its order and security. "I could go for a walk without asking anybody at midnight, and that's not the case in many of the largest cities in the world," he noted.

Hardworking, focused, welcoming Chinese people, good business infrastructure and technology, and a functioning system have also impressed him. He also saw that the benefits of growth are distributed among everybody.

He spoke highly of Chinese food. "I love Chinese food. I was told that there are 100,000 restaurants in Beijing. I cannot eat at 100,000 restaurants, but the ones I tried are fantastic."

He said his previous trips to China had been official, but that he would love to visit it as a tourist to explore the history, culture, and the knowledge and wisdom in its smaller cities.

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